Have you been through difficult experiences that continue to bother you emotionally even though you feel you "should be 'over' them?" Do you feel exhausted and tense much of the time? Is it difficult for you to relax or sustain calm feelings even when things are fine? Do you struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth? Do you feel unsafe even when you know you are safe?
The Bad News:
If you answered yes to these questions, you may be dealing with unresolved trauma. Trauma can mean so many different things, and what is traumatizing to one person may not be to another. Trauma is anything that overwhelmed your ability to cope. It can be a thing that happened to you or that you witnessed, but it can also be a pattern of relational instances such as how you were treated when you were growing up. Trauma is a thing that you avoid thinking and talking about, but find yourself having intrusive thoughts about, anyway. Trauma is re-lived through dreams and through strong remembering-through visions, emotions, body sensations, and/or powerful negative beliefs that shape how you operate in the world. Trauma gives you anxiety and makes you hypervigilant-always scanning for the next source of harm and preparing for the worst.
The Good News:
Trauma therapy can turn your life around. It can desensitize painful events you have experienced so that you no longer are bothered when you think of them. Trauma therapy can help you flip negative core beliefs that trauma and painful life events have taught you, so that you can see yourself as worthy, loveable, safe, strong, and in-control. Trauma therapy can help change your narrative in relationships with others so that you are able to trust when it is safe and appropriate for you to do so. Or, it can help you break free from toxic relationships that depend on you staying wounded. Trauma therapy helps reset your nervous system so that you can finally leave "survival mode" and can default at a place of calm and relaxation where it is easier to take care of yourself and connect with others.
What I Can Offer You:
I can offer you a safe and compassionate space in which to finally heal from your wounds. I am warm and non-judgmental, and I consider it to be a privilege to walk beside my clients on their healing journey. I genuinely care about my clients and want to help them achieve their goals of being more emotionally regulated and less triggered, as well as helping them develop a sold sense of self-worth and command over their destinies. We work to get them "unstuck" from their pasts and free to create a free and fulfilling life in their present day and futures.
I can also offer you knowledge and expertise. I am a Certified Trauma Treatment Professional (CTTP) as well as an EMDRIA-Certified EMDR Therapist. I have been working with trauma as a specialty since 2007, and I have over 12 years of experience utilizing EMDR Therapy. Though I am highly-skilled and experienced, I do see my clients as the experts on themselves.
I Specialize In:
- Simple and Complex PTSD
- Dissociative Disorders
- Attachment and Anxiety Disorders
Tailored To Your Needs
The treatment I offer is highly-individualized and based on decades of research that shows its effectiveness. I am all about getting you some REAL results in a timely manner.
Getting Started
Nichole Price

I am a licensed professional counselor In practice since 2007, treating adults with a wide variety of mental health and substance use issues. For the past five years, my focus has become more heavily on treating the effects of trauma and all the corresponding problems that come with it (e.g., anxiety, depression, self-esteem problems, relationship issues, Dissociative Disorders, etc. ). Most of my experience was earned in Community Mental Health settings; I've been in private practice since August 2017. I am trained and highly experienced in EMDR Therapy and am Certified by the International Association for EMDR Therapy (EMDRIA). Additionally, I am a member of NAADAC (the association of addiction professionals) and the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). Alongside EMDR, I also practice Internal Family Systems Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and use skills and strategies from other theoretical orientations and therapies.